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Halo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple... I_vote_lcapHalo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple... I_voting_barHalo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple... I_vote_rcap 

Halo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple...

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Halo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple... Empty Halo 4 and the creation of our new clan temple...

Post  Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:12 pm

Hello my loyal members of Ghost legion, I am here to talk to all of you about the need to create a new humble abode for our mighty clan upon the release of Halo 4. I want to try to get as much input as I can on the kind of structure we should use to do this, depending on the building restrictions such as cost and the amount of objects that can be placed on the map... I believe we should truly try to incorporate a temple like design... I think it should be as massive as we can build it, but, I want to try to build it without neglecting functionality such as training spaces for combat, driving, and agility along with recreational spaces such as a lounge and obviously a place to hold meetings. Tell me what all of you think of this and don't hesitate to comment on your own design ideas. I'm sure that all of you can come up with your own unique ideas. I am adding a poll to this vote yes if my idea sounds good and if you would like to add additions if they are appropriate and vote no if you might have a better concept and be sure to express it after voting.

Last edited by Grave (G.L. 01) on Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I don't need one, I am the leader.)


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